Hot Topics from the Texas House

How does a bill move from one chamber to another towards
passage? Once a bill passes the third and final reading from its originating chamber, it is engrossed and sent to the other chamber.  The bill then goes through virtually the entire process again.  The closer we get to the May 29th sine die deadline, time becomes of the essence to get these bills through that process if they are going to have the hope of passing. There are a few bills...
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History of the Texas Legislature

I’d like to relay some of colorful history of the Texas Legislature from the past 171 years to present and share the top priorities of the upcoming 85th Legislature all in 5 minutes. The Legislature of the State of Texas, convenes its regular sessions at noon on the second Tuesday in January of odd-numbered years. But do you know why the legislature begins on the second Tuesday? My former boss, Commissioner Jerry Patterson always told this colorful story.  “Back then folks had to...
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Bond to the CCISD Board of Trustees

And so we can continue… We finally have the 85th Legislature House of Representative committee assignments from Speaker Strauss after a month into the session.  I have noted these assignments to include our two Galveston County representatives and also our near-by Harris County representative as the committees overlap and provide our local area with additional strength. Their appointments are as follows: Representative Greg Bonnen (District Office (281) 338-0924) Appropriations Energy Resources Representative Wayne Faircloth (District Office (409)762-0304) Culture, Recreation and Tourism, Vice-Chair Rules and Resolutions Texas Ports, Innovation...
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Fault or no fault…an interesting proposal

My husband and I worked with engaged couples for 20 years at our church in marriage preparation.  The last thing that we
ever wanted to see was one of our couples filing for a divorce. That just might get harder to do in Texas.  Doing away with no fault divorce is what Texas State Representative Matt Krause from Ft. Worth has proposed in HB 93.  It would remove insupportability, meaning “no fault,” as a grounds for divorce.  Currently, couples in...
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Legislation with CCRW

It is going to be a very busy five months with the Texas Legislature and the US Congress, with the new President Trump’s administration, both in session.  CCRW will be watching key legislation in Texas and in the Federal Government.  Additionally, we will be monitoring the CCISD Bond Election in which the Citizens’ Committee’s preliminary recommendation calls for $499 million in improvements, through a voter-approved bond election in May 2017. The top 10 Texas Legislative Priorities are as follows: SB 1 –...
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