**UPDATED – New Changes to Volunteer Hours!!  (June 2022)

Keep track of those campaign hours! CCRW is required to report club hours to TFRW quarterly. The total hours accumulated by TFRW Clubs help to quantify our volunteerism to NFRW, elected officials, and the Republican Party of Texas. Don’t underestimate your hours, included below is a list of reportable activities

  1. All the time at your our meetings counts plus travel time.
  2. Paid hours now count. Working as Election Judges, Clerks, Signature Verification, Early Ballot Board etc., only if it is not your main source of income, nor for staff members of the GOP or elected officials. These hours worked include those of our elected State Reps and Senators time as the pay they get is not their main source of income.
  3. Any time spent at events you had to purchase a ticket to attend.
  4. Include work done at home and events.
    • Such as mailings
    • Preparing campaign posters or signs
    • Work solicited by a candidate’s campaign
    • Baking for a campaign including club meetings or anything political
    • Walking precincts
    • Preparing letters to the editor or elected officials
    • Any phone calls, radio, TV, and social media appearances
    • Posting to social media
    • Voter registration
    • Writing or editing a digital or hardcopy club newsletter
    • Attendance at rallies
  5. Count hours spent working at a special event or organizing the event.
  6. Count hours spent in session at Federation Board of Directors meetings and Federal Conventions also time spent in preparation of convention, if on committee, to include travel time.
  7. Count hours spent attending other Republican Women’s clubs and group meetings, such as Republican Network.  You may include travel time.
  8. Count hours spent door to door at precinct, county/district or state party conventions. You may include travel time.
  9. You may count hours spent as members of county or state party committees. You may include travel time.
  10. Count political work done at club meetings, i.e. driving a candidate, working on mailings, getting candidate petitions signed, etc.
  11. Volunteer hours done at county, state, or Federal headquarters may be counted. BUT NOT for paid staff positions.
  12. All hours volunteered at campaigns and at headquarters include portal-to-portal travel. BUT NOT stops for personal errands.
  13. Count nonpartisan hours for known Republican candidates in city or school board elections.
  14. Women candidates who are members of a club may count their campaigning as volunteer hours.
  15. Male associate members may count volunteer hours and must follow the same rules, which apply, to regular members. Male candidates can count hours working on their own campaigns.
  16. An Associate member’s hours are only counted in her/his primary club.
  17. Whenever possible, please have your hours verified and initialized by the campaign or headquarters. This will help determine where our hours are most utilized.
  18. ADDITIONAL TRACKING…We are now being asked to track and report the number of political calls you make. All political calls count: those you do for campaigns, contacting officials, calling people about elections etc.

Contact our Campaign Activities chair – so look for her at one of our monthly meetings with any questions.


Hey.. don’t forget your hours… you can enter the total hours for the quarter here!

  • Please enter a number from 0 to 500.
  • Please enter a number from 0 to 500.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.